Blogging with Github Pages

28 Nov 2018 - Sanjeev

This blog captures my jots on how I built this site.

Configure Godaddy DNS entries

Once the custom domain is purchased, Navigate to the panel which allows to update the DNS entries for the domain. In this page, we need to add A record to point to our site or main domain. Optionally we can add CNAME record to point to www sub domain too. In the below screenshot, you would see both A and CNAME records. Refere documentaion @ Github Pages for any updated information.

Below are DNS entries @ GoDaddy. Click on image to enlarge.
Configure Github Pages for custom domain
Below is the content of CNAME. Click on image to enlarge.
Section Githup Pages. Click on image to enlarge.

Refer to documentation for more details.

Site to support https

Out of the box, Github Pages work with Let’s Encrypt to provide free Domain Validation (DV) certificates. These cerificates are valid for 90 days. We should ask for a new certificates to renew the old one. This is automated through ACME protocol. Github does automatic renewal for you.

Have a simple mechanism for posting new blogs

As Github uses Jekyll. By default Jekyll is blog aware. With this, all I have to do is check in a new mark down file for posting a new blog. Refer to Pages for details.


Below are few limitations I felt worth noting and be aware of

Eligible for preloading? Click on image to enlarge.

Do let me know if you have any clarification/suggestion on this post. I will be happy to know your feedback!